Let’s Forget About Bunsen Burners And Algebra

A poll shows, forget algebra or playing the recorder, most of us would prefer to have been taught real-world skills at school such as changing a car tyre or applying for a mortgage. More than half of those questioned said the skills they learnt in the classroom hadn’t helped them in later life. The fourContinue reading “Let’s Forget About Bunsen Burners And Algebra”

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Tories Turn Down Nick Clegg’s ‘Free Schools’ Remark

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said that schools should recruit only credentialed educationalists and; that they should stick to the national curriculum. Nevertheless, the national curriculum is there only to ‘dumb down’ children in the education network.  The syllabus will be composed of an unlimited catalog of spelling, facts and rules, that will not help toContinue reading “Tories Turn Down Nick Clegg’s ‘Free Schools’ Remark”

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