‘DUMPED BY EMAIL,’ Says Emily Bridges’ Mother

The mother of Emily Bridges has promised to take suitable measures after British Cycling reported it will ban transgender cyclists from racing following the suspension of its policy on the matter. In a statement, the body said the existing policy, which permits trans women to compete in female races if their testosterone levels are belowContinue reading “‘DUMPED BY EMAIL,’ Says Emily Bridges’ Mother”

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A Transgender Man Gave Birth To A Son

A father has complained that nurses insisted on calling him ‘mom’ during his pregnancy despite being a man. Bennet Kaspar-Williams, 37, from Los Angeles, first discovered he was trans about ten years ago, in 2011, but didn’t start his transition until three years ago. Then six years later, in 2017 he found Malik, his futureContinue reading “A Transgender Man Gave Birth To A Son”

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